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Evaluation & Grading System

(a) The Evaluation of each course at BUBT is made on 100 marks and the distribution of weightage is given below for all programs excepting LL.B and LL.M Programs:

i. Attendance 5%
ii. Quizzes 5%
iii. Class Tests & Tutorial 10%
iv. Assignment/Presentation/Lab/ Project 10%
v. Mid-Term Exam. (Middle of the Semester) 30%
vi. Final Exam. (End of the Semester) 40%
Total: 100%

For LLB and LL.M Programs the distribution of weightage is shown below

i. Attendance 10%
ii. Class Test 10%
iii. Assignment and Presentation 10%
iv. Mid term Examination (Middle of the Semester) 30%
v. Final Examination (End of the Semester) 40%
Total: 100%


(b) The Grading system is as follows:

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point
80% and above A+ (A Plus) 4.00
75% to less than 80% A (A regular) 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- (A Minus) 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ (B Plus) 3.25
60% to less than 65% B (B regular) 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- (B Minus) 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ (C Plus) 2.50
45% to less than 50% C (C regular) 2.25
40% to less than 45% D   2.00
Less than 40% F   0.00

In the Transcript/Grade Sheet, only the Letter Grade and the Corresponding Grade Points, and finally, the CGPA, not the numerical marks, will be shown.


(c) Computation of Grade Point Average (GPA):

Every course has a certain number of credit hours which indicate its weightage. The credit hours of a theoretical course and the credit hours of a practical/ sessional course refer to contact hours per week and half of the contact hours per week of the courses respectively. The number of credit hours a student has completed satisfactorily and the weighted average of the grade points he/she has maintained evaluate the performance of the student. Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) can be explained as follows:


Suppose, a student has completed  ve courses in a semester and obtained the following grades:

Course Grade earned Grade Point (G) Credit hour (C) G x C
Course 1 A+ 4 3 12
Course 2 B 3 3 9
Course 3 A 3.75 3 11.25
Course 4 B+ 3.25 2 6.50
Course 5 A- 3.50 1 3.50
Total = 12 42.25


Policy for Semester Promotion:

  • For 'F' grade holder the course must be repeated within the next 3 consecutive semesters but pre-requisite course/s should be repeated on priority basis. Scorer of 'F' grade shall have to pay full fee for the retake course/courses.
  • For improvement of grade in any course, the incumbent student may be allowed to repeat for improvement in that course. However, if any student wishes to take this privilege, he/she has to submit an application through proper channel at least within 2 weeks after publication of result of a particular semester.
  • The improved grade will be computed in the final transcript and the previous grade/s (i.e. 'F' or any other grade of the improver) will be marked with 'R' grade (as retake of the course) which has no effect on GPA or CGPA. For improvement of grade, the student has to register the course as usual by paying the half tuition fee (i.e. credit hour basis).


Bangladesh University of Business and Technology

Rupnagar, Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Phone: 02-4803-6351, 02-4803-6352, 02-4803-6353
One Stop Service Center: 01810033740 (for BUBT current students)

Admission Hotline Number: 01810033733
Cell: 01810033701, 01810033702, 01810033703
01810033704, 01810033705, 01810033706
Email: info@bubt.edu.bd