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Message from the Chairman

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology(BUBT). History cannot specifically locate when people started using mathematics. But nobody will disagree that the application of mathematics has started from the very primitive stage of civilization. In contrast to Mathematics, Statistics is relatively a new branch of knowledge. Though it is new but Statistics is as much important as Mathematics. Mathematics and Statistics have been used in modern age and will also be used in the future too as their application have been rapidly increasing world-wide. Department of Mathematics and Statistics is a community of scholars committed to achieve academic excellence like other departments of this prestigious University. It  started functioning from Fall 2005 with M.Sc. in Mathematics (1 year) program.  From Summer 2007, M.Sc. in Mathematics (2-year) program was introduced. The department also conducts different courses on Mathematics in all the departments under the Faculty of Business and the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences.

Dr. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan

Dr. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan

Associate Professor & Chairman

About Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Department of Mathematics and Statistics is one of the leading departments of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT). The department has been striving hard to impart quality education to the students in mathematical and statistical methodology in its theoretical, practical/applied, and scientific research aspects of modern age. Potential manpower equipped with mathematical and statistical skills and efficiency are severely demanded by insurances, banks, industries, trades and commercial organizations, etc. Such skilled and efficient manpower has the potentials to be a teacher, a researcher and the like.  With this view Department of Mathematics and Statistics BUBT operates its function under the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences. At present the department has 25 faculty members and two of them are on study leave for higher studies in New Zealand and... View Details

History of the Department

The founding Chairman of the department was Mr. Gazi Mahmud Alam who worked in that position from October 01, 2005 to August 27, 2010. Afterward, Mr. S. M. Nasim Azad was appointed Chairman and he worked from August 28, 2010 to December 31, 2012. Then, Mr. Mohammed Nasir Uddin was appointed Chairman who worked from January 1, 2013 to January 17, 2015. Afterwards, Mr. Nasim Khan was appointed Chairman who worked from January 18, 2015 to  February 4, 2017. Mrs. Rehena Parveen Assistant Professor, is the present Chairman of the department.... View Details

Mission and Vision

The mission of the department is to provide an environment where students can learn and become competent users of mathematics and mathematical applications. Moreover, the department will contribute to the development of students as mathematical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions and to function as productive citizens. The department also combines the traditional focus of a liberal arts mathematics education with modern technology to create an environment that fosters quantitative reasoning and deductive thinking and that promotes mathematical understanding. At all levels of mathematics curriculum students will develop a broad understanding in the field of mathematics and its historical development, the interdisciplinary applications of mathematics, and the role mathematics plays in the careers they choose. The... View Details

Getting Around the Department

Department of Mathematics and Statistics at BUBT is located at the 2nd floor in campus-2 of BUBT. Besides, room no. 310 and 811 of permanent campus are used as faculty rooms of the department. ... View Details



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Bangladesh University of Business and Technology

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