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Industrial Visit to SGS Bangladesh Limited
Published On: 29 May 2024

Industrial Visit to SGS Bangladesh Limited

On May 21, 2024, the Career Guidance and Counselling (CGC) office of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) organized an industrial visit for the final-year students of Textile Engineering Department with major in Apparel Manufacturing Technology to the SGS Bangladesh Limited, located at Noor Tower, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka. The visiting members included Professor Dr. Md. Fayyaz Khan, Vice-Chancellor of BUBT, Dr. Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Director CGC, BUBT, Md. Abdullah Bin Samad, former Chairman and Asst. Professor, Deputy Director, BUBT CGC and other nine faculty members, Department of Textile Engineering.

SGS top management warmly welcomed BUBT team at SGS office. The Country Manager of the SGS Bangladesh, Mr. Abdur Rashid, formally welcomed the VC of BUBT with a flower bouquet. In reciprocation, the VC presented souvenirs to the top management of the SGS on behalf of BUBT. Welcome speeches were delivered by the VC of BUBT, the Country Manager of the SGS, the Director of BUBT CGC, and the Business Manager of the SGS.

Following the initial session, the visiting team was divided into three groups for a comprehensive tour of different testing sections of SGS. State of the art and precision equipment specially used in the textile sector were shown to the visiting team. This hands-on experience provided valuable insights into the operations of the SGS and its commitment to maintain quality and precision during testing process.

The closing session featured speeches from the heads of various sections, including the Chemical Lab, Physical Lab, and HR, who elaborated their roles in achieving the SGS's goals. A noteworthy highlight of the event was the interaction with seven BUBT alumni currently employed at SGS, who shared their experiences with the visiting students.

The day concluded with a surprising quiz competition about SGS, involving teachers, officers, and students from the visiting team. The top ten performers were awarded beautiful gift boxes. The visit ended with a respectful farewell from the SGS authorities, leaving the BUBT delegation highly impressed and appreciative with the enriching experiences.

Both SGS and BUBT expressed hopes and agreed to collaborate on future initiatives. BUBT authorities conveyed their heartfelt gratitude to SGS for their outstanding hospitality and support during the visit.


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